Wondering About the Difference Between Bonding and Veneers? What to Know
Are you unhappy with the appearance of your teeth? Your dentist in Tucson, AZ, can help with dental bonding and dental veneers. These two cosmetic dentistry solutions can cover a range of cosmetic problems including chips, cracks in your tooth enamel, and more.
At Carlos Rodriguez, DMD, we can answer your questions about dental bonding and dental veneers, and we can offer dental consultations to help you decide which option is right for you. In this article, we’ll go over some of the important information you need to know as you choose between dental bonding and dental veneers.
What Is Dental Bonding?
Dental bonding is a composite resin that your dentist can attach to the front of your teeth to hide imperfections like chips, cracks, and gaps in your teeth. Dental bonding is tooth-colored and easily attaches to the front of your teeth.
Dental bonding is minimally invasive too, requiring only that your teeth be etched with an acidic solution before attaching bonding. Dental bonding is a temporary solution that you can apply again and again. It stays on for about five years before chipping off.
What Are Dental Veneers?
Dental veneers are permanent covers that your dentist attaches to the front of your teeth after shaving down the tooth enamel to make room for the veneer. Dental veneers are similar to dental bonding, except once installed, you must always have a dental veneer.
Which One Is Right For Me?
If you’re unsure which option between dental bonding and dental veneers is right for you, contact your dentist at Carlos Rodriguez, DMD. We can help you decide between dental veneers and dental bonding in Tucson, AZ. Call today.