Entries by dhpdev

Veneer Care – What You Need to Know

One of the easiest ways to dress up a smile and take away the look of stained, damaged teeth is with veneers. Dr. Carlos Rodriguez, DMD, wants his Tucson, AZ, dental patients to know how to properly care for veneers if they have them. 1. Visit the Dentist Regularly Veneers need regular cleanings, just like natural […]

Tooth Bonding vs. Veneers

There are several different ways to enhance the appearance of your smile. Two of the most popular options include tooth bonding and veneers. While both treatments can be effective, they have some key differences. If you want to get started with tooth bonding orveneers in Tucson, AZ, look no further than the office of Carlos […]

Are Veneers Better than Crowns?

Veneers and crowns are both sometimes thought of as ways to strengthen your tooth. For example, if you have a chipped front tooth, you might use a veneer rather than a crown to cover it up and reinforce its functionality. Of course, there’s more to know about crowns and veneers if you’re interested in the […]

Contact Us at Any Time for Emergency Care

Knowing when you need to seek emergency dental care in Tucson, AZ, is not always easy. If you are debating whether to wait until Monday morning or the next business day, we urge you to contact us as soon as possible. Carlos Rodriguez, DMD, sets aside time in each day’s schedule to see patients with dental […]

3 Unexpected Oral Health Benefits of Botox

Botox has long been associated with cosmetic procedures, even though it was originally created as a way to weaken eye muscles as an alternative to surgery. Today, dentists find thatBotox in Tucson, AZ, can help their patients treat several different oral health conditions. Here are three reasons a dentist might suggest it and how it […]